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For employer registration:


Contact LWC Disability Employment Initiative Program


State Lead - Georgette K. Wallace

at or



For more information - visit

Get started at the Career Solutions Center!


Job seekers are encouraged to register on the Louisiana Workforce Commission's web-based HIRE system at, available, in part, to link job seekers with job vacancies.


Registration allows jobseekers to create an account, enter online resumes, apply for job vacancies, and apply for unemployment insurance benefits, among other services.


Job seekers can also view labor market information to determine regional and local employment trends, required skills for jobs, and demand occupations in their areas.


Before entering online resumes, jobseekers should have available all information about previous employers, including addresses, start and end dates, and duties, as well as the same information relevant to education. Jobseekers may enter more than one resume, for different types of employment opportunities. Resumes that detail jobseeker's skills will provide the best option for job vacancy matches.


As you are considering applying for an employment vacancy, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you know about the company?

  • Is it really a place you will want to work?

  • Do the skills and experience on your resume meet the minimum requirements on the job vacancy you are considering?

  • Does your educational background meet or exceed the requirements of the job vacancy you are considering?

  • Do your references know they may be called, and what will they say about you?

If paid skills or experiences do not exactly match the minimum requirements, think about your hobbies, volunteer activities, and other non-paid experiences that may be transferred into the minimum requirements. (A WIB 60 Workforce Specialist will be available to assist you in identifying your transferable skills.)

Job seekers can have assessments conducted by professional staff, to assist in identifying the occupational areas that are most appropriate for job seeker aptitudes. These assessments will determine the skill building activities needed to help job seekers become marketable for future opportunities. 


Come by one of our centers today!


Looking for a career change?
High-demand occupations with phenomenal growth through 2022 are in construction trades, information and technology, advanced manufacturing, educational services and business occupations such as finance, accounting, and management. Learn more about career options with bright futures through Star Jobs:



Looking for a job?


HiRE has a database of current job openings all over the state. They are regularly updated by employers. The data listed above forecasts jobs for the entire state as well. When you visit HiRE at, you can enter a keyword for a position you're looking for and your city or zip code, then see results for job openings in your area. Hopefully this information is helpful!

New Star Ratings



LWC has more and better tools than ever to assist you in your job search, including Star Ratings, where we've rated occupations with 1 to 5 stars, allowing you to concentrate your search. Check it out today:

Setting Records!


Louisiana's workforce continues to set records fueled by increasing employer demand.

25 Companies with Job Opportunities
      Right Now!


Check out 25 companies in Louisiana with job opportunities featured in LWC's Helping Individuals Reach Employment or HiRE system and get hired today! Many of these are in  Central Louisiana's Region 6!



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