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REGISTER NOW and use Business Services

Signing up to receive the services offered with Business & Career Solutions Centers and the Louisiana Workforce Commission is easy...

We will provide you with assistance to meet your staffing needs.  Like helping you fill job vacancies, including hard-to-fill positions!
Just access services online at or through one of our convenient Business & Career Solutions Centers located near you.


It's convenient:  Register and long-on via the web from your home or office.


It's easy:  Designed as a user-friendly system to provide you complete control.


It saves you money:  Staffing agencies and print ads can be costly.  


It's Free:  Our services are offered at no cost to you or future employees!




  • locate job and industry growth trends and forecasts

  • examine wage and other labor market data

  • utilize skills and abilities testing (workkeys, etc.)

  • access interview facilities

  • learn about the National Career Readiness Certificate and Cenla Work Ready

  • arrange for customized, employer-based training

You can also request more information with this form:

To request more information:

Contact your Business & Career Solutions Center team!


Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm



1-318-992-8750 - FAX

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